business decision

August 5th, 2016

which one of these do you think i could make the most money off of if I sell
Captain America (Marvel: 2007)
Iron Man (2006-08)
Vintage Comic Book (1977-1996), either : Legion of Super Heroes, Marvel Friends, Hawkeye, X-Force, X-Factor, Thor, Fantastic Four, Cool World, Super Friends
Weapon X First Class #1 (Marvel: 2008)
Spider-Man (Marvel 1992-2008)*
Superman (DC: 1991-2009)*
The Incredible Hulk (Marvel: 2006-2008)*
Trinity #4 (DC: 2008)*
X-Men Comic Book (Marvel: 1991-2008)*
Wolverine (Marvel: 1999-2008)*
Batman (DC: 2001-2009)*
X-Men & Spider-Man #4 (Marvel: 2009)*
Ultimate Wolverine Vs. Hulk #4 (Marvel: 2008)*
*– i estimate these are worth slightly more, but i may be wrong

Answer #1
My friend is a crazy comic book fan, I’ll ask him. Looking at it theoretically, -X-Men Comic Book (Marvel: 1991-2008)*
Should make the most money, since the collection is about 18 years old, the oldest of your collections.
Answer #2
condition ?
you willing to break up the sets ?
you ever sell any before ?
google “comics for sale” and dig around a lil
the harder to find ones will be worth more in most cases


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