Best way to achieve 300mb movies?

January 23rd, 2020

Just wondering which will get my file size down the most. If i use DVDFAB straight from DVD to Mkv or from DVD to AVI to MKV or DVD to MKV and then use ripbot to mkv again?
Answer #1
How to make your own 300 MB movies
Answer #2
Thanks ill give it a look.
Answer #3
Dont use AutoGK as itll produce non h.264 rips and MEGUI as the encoders crap and the GUI is even worse, Sorenson Squeeze gives better rusults because it uses propritry encoders which give better quality/size ratios than freeware equilivents like x264. It has a great GUI and supports batch transcodeing and outputs ISO standard MP4 files which have exellent Hardware/Software support.
Answer #4
I’ve found MKV to be quite a good format from what i have downloaded from people… And I am going to be using these on my WDTV so I need them good quality but small size. Convince me xD
Answer #5
Dont use AutoGK as itll produce non h.264 rips and MEGUI as the encoders crap and the GUI is even worse, Sorenson Squeeze gives better rusults because it uses propritry encoders which give better quality/size ratios than freeware equilivents like x264. It has a great GUI and supports batch transcodeing and outputs ISO standard MP4 files which have exellent Hardware/Software support.

I've found MKV to be quite a good format from what i have downloaded from people... And I am going to be using these on my WDTV so I need them good quality but small size. Convince me xD
If you need help with megui, PM me.
Answer #6
Alright thanks mate, pmed
Answer #7
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I've found MKV to be quite a good format from what i have downloaded from people... And I am going to be using these on my WDTV so I need them good quality but small size. Convince me xD
The MP4 files (Mainconcept/AAA Plus 2) will be smaller/have better quality and will take less time to encode, Also the transcoder (Sorenson Squeeze) dosnt have a rubbish GUI.

Ghetts wrote: Select all

Dont use AutoGK as itll produce non h.264 rips and MEGUI as the encoders crap and the GUI is even worse, Sorenson Squeeze gives better rusults because it uses propritry encoders which give better quality/size ratios than freeware equilivents like x264. It has a great GUI and supports batch transcodeing and outputs ISO standard MP4 files which have exellent Hardware/Software support.


If you cant back up your arguments with facts dont spray your incompident ramblings on the board
Answer #8

If you cant back up your arguments with facts dont spray your incompident ramblings on the board

How about no? Sorson whatever you call it is hard to use, Megui is simple, You do what you want, People may prefer Sorson whatever you call it but a lot of people like megui, Fact, If you wasn’t such a (beep) you would know everyone is entitled to an opinion, You like Sorson whatever you call it and I like megui, You don’t see me going around posting “zomg megui is teh best please use it” do you? No, No you don’t…
Answer #9
Lol didnt mean to start a flame war xD, anyway I PMed you Ghetts
Answer #10

Ghetts wrote: Select all

How about no? Sorson whatever you call it is hard to use, Megui is simple, You do what you want, People may prefer Sorson whatever you call it but a lot of people like megui, Fact, If you wasn’t such a (beep) you would know everyone is entitled to an opinion, You like Sorson whatever you call it and I like megui, You don’t see me going around posting “zomg megui is teh best please use it” do you? No, No you don’t…
Yes drag and drop is complex , Facts are facts are facts and the mainconcept encoder will produce files with better compression (Quality/size ratio) in less time than x264.
Answer #11

Ghetts wrote: Select all

How about no? Sorson whatever you call it is hard to use, Megui is simple, You do what you want, People may prefer Sorson whatever you call it but a lot of people like megui, Fact, If you wasn't such a (beep) you would know everyone is entitled to an opinion, You like Sorson whatever you call it and I like megui, You don't see me going around posting "zomg megui is teh best please use it" do you? No, No you don't...
Yes drag and drop is complex , Facts are facts are facts and the mainconcept encoder will produce files with better compression (Quality/size ratio) in less time than x264.
I can’t be bothered to argue with you but one thing I will say, Megui >> your piece of crap, Do you get paid to advertise sorrison? @ : Don’t listen to this htcshifyguy, He posts the same crap in every thread, I’m surprised he don’t get bored of it, I’ve PM’ed you back!
Answer #12
This topic is leading to more flame…Let me know when you calm down…
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