Best Mac Apps For Editing Gifs?

August 7th, 2016

Hey guys, I’m still a new Mac user (I changed after 14/15 years on PC) and I’m wondering what are the best apps for editing animated gifs on Mac?
I’m most looking for an app that will allow me to edit, crop, trim, remove frames, edit frames and watermark possibly an animated gif.
Please name either free apps or apps I could find on here easily and download.
Thank you all very much in advance.

Answer #1
Maybe take a look at this site??
Answer #2
Thanks, but I checked them all and none does seem to do the trick.
Any other suggestion?
Answer #3
Sorry I’m not really familiar with apps. You could try googling ‘Mac Apps For Editing Gifs’ and also there are some youtube results if you type the same title.


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