applt ipad help please

August 5th, 2016

hey all i just got a apple ipad 16gig NO 3g the firmware is on version 3.2.2 (7B500)
and i want to JB it but not sure what to do i tryed jailbreakme but it said no
i fort about spirit but fort i would check with you guys first
2nd i was hoping to update to 4. something and jailbreak so i can get multitasking and other things
i tryed tinyunbrella and it only saved shsh for 4.2.1 please help me thank you

Answer #1
hey all i just got a apple ipad 16gig NO 3g the firmware is on version 3.2.2 (7B500)
and i want to JB it but not sure what to do i tryed jailbreakme but it said no
i fort about spirit but fort i would check with you guys first
2nd i was hoping to update to 4. something and jailbreak so i can get multitasking and other things
i tryed tinyunbrella and it only saved shsh for 4.2.1 please help me thank you

JB it with Greenpois0n
or with limera1n
Answer #2
can i upgrade and get multitasking and still JB as i only have shsh for 4.2.1??
thank you your reply
Answer #3
can i upgrade and get multitasking and still JB as i only have shsh for 4.2.1??
thank you your reply

You can…. At least you can try.. but there is no back.. because you don’t have SHSH blobs for 3.2.2!
Answer #4
hahah that is going to be fun thaere is no JB out for ipad 4.2.1 yet is there or at leat 1 where you can switch off ya pad
thank you again


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