any other sites that do SMALL SiZE Quality MKV Encodes like geeklovenerds posts?

August 4th, 2016

I follow geeklovenerds site feed for MicroMKV and his posts here to get good quality copies of programs/films at about half the size of the regular releases. In the past I also used the long gone B.O.B (best of both) releases and 300MBUNiTED. Are there any other current sites or WBB posters who specialise in uploading good quality small size encodings of TV & flims?
Answer #1
they are crap quality encodes! the lowest of the low in comparison with other encoders. he stopped using cabac and that coupled with low ref frames made the quality utter crap
Answer #2
they are crap quality encodes! the lowest of the low in comparison with other encoders. he stopped using cabac and that coupled with low ref frames made the quality utter crap
He’s not asking your opinion on them, get out.
OP: apart from shanig and scorp, I don’t know of any.
Answer #3
Yeah I also noticed Geeks site is down. HUGE BUMMER. Used to also d/l B.O.B= both he and Geek prolly the best encoders ever for MKV.
There’s but they only use 1 user friendly file host.
Also but they are slow to u/l 480p versions. mSD has good encodes.
Answer #4
Thanks for your input LuigiGang & Magoo. I’ll check out those sites shanig and scorp are two names I always look for when I’m after a film, they both post on 300MBUNiTED as well as here.
I know some smll size mkv encodes released are low quality, I’ve downloaded some real dross in the past, but Geeks site has always had excellent encoding quality. Can’t tell the difference from the original releases when I plug a usb full of them into my TV. Which is why I’m looking for one or two other sites which release good quality stuff in case his site is down for good as happened with B.O.B. The small size goes a long way to saving HD space on external drives & I can really pack em onto my tablet.
This user is one I’ve d/loaded from in the past who does a lot of small size stuff
and just found minirlss
Answer #5
You should browse here also…
Answer #6
Thanks to and . Some very cool links posted.
Answer #7
thanks some useful links here
Answer #8
micromkv may or may not provide links to the finest quality content on planet earth, kinda “in the eyes…”, right. what is tangible they provide hevc encoding content. that matters in both quality and size. that is the tipping point for my part.\op: might try their .org option. it seems to be morphing to pick up the flow from the .com.
Answer #9
Answer #10
or the original


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