An iPod Classic Question – Help Needed Pl.!

July 31st, 2013

Hey Guyz,
When I transfer my Music files to iPod(Not mine,my friends) through iTunes
and open in the ipod thru “COVERFLOW OR ALBUM” view,
for few albums its showing a single Album Art for all the songs and for others its shwoin’ every song individually(like individual album with same album art)
What should I change in the Song details to make all the 6 files of a movie show up in a Single Album Art?
This may be a very silly question,but I’m very new iTunes..So please Help me out.
It would be very Helpful…
Thanks in Advance!

Answer #1
Try using mp3tag.
Answer #2
What category should I edit in it??
Album, Composer are same for those files too…but they show up in individual albums way
Help would be appreciated
Answer #3
Try to remove all the tags (Album, Composer, Artist, etc) and add them back again, manually
Answer #4
Can I do that in iTunes itself? And soes it change in the iPod too?


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