Advice on new PC

January 15th, 2014

I’m planning to build a new PC in a few days, and right now I’ve settled for these Specs:
Processor: i5 2500k
MoBo: MSI H67
RAM: Corsair 1x4GB 1600
GFX card: ATI HD 6790
Case: Thermaltake V3+ PSU 460W
Hopefully it’s gonna be a strictly gaming PC, now i have a 19′ monitor so my resolution wont go above 1440×900…..Is this good enough to comfortably play any game, and how much future proof is it?

Answer #1
6790 is pretty bad. It’s a card stuck in no man’s land with high power consumption, mediocre performance and a price tag that doesn’t match. Getting a non P67 or Z68 motherboard with an unlocked processor is weird.
Answer #2
You should select a p67 board 2x memory modules to run in dual channel and a HD6850 or equivalent graphics card.
Is that a PSU thrown in with the case? if so it wont be sufficient.
If you can up the budget to fit those things in then do it.
If you will never overclock then a H67 board will be fine.
Still worth buying the k model cpu as it will hold better value for resale later than a locked cpu.
Answer #3
well you see, the reason for the mobo is cause i wont be overclocking anytime soon and i’m on a tight budget..the i5 2500k is pretty future proof by itself, by the time i’m ready to overclock it would be much cheaper to change the MoBo than the CPU.
As for the 6790, i’m surprised you’d say that…my friend has a 550 ti and can get 60 fps on this resolution on pretty much most new games maxed like GTA IV.
so if i drop the 6790, what can i go for as an alternative….without any overkills tho, cause like i said, my budget is pretty closed like this and i only have a 1440×900 max resolution
EDIT: Seriously guys……a 6850 on a 19′ monitor…….why ?
Answer #4
HD6850 should be a good choice. Make sure the PSU is upto running a decent GPU too though.
even at your res The card you selected will struggle in more demanding titles.
Answer #5
so if i drop the 6790, what can i go for as an alternative....without any overkills tho, cause like i said, my budget is pretty closed like this and i only have a 1440x900 max resolution
The 6850 is around the same price and is a better deal.
EDIT: Seriously guys......a 6850 on a 19' monitor.......why Disregard the monitor. More important is bang for buck. By your logic you shouldn’t buy the 2500K either.
Answer #6
You think the 460W wont hold?
should i go for a 500W instead?
Answer #7
Depends what PSU you are looking at.. wattage means so little.
If it’s a £20 POS 500w PSU then chances are it’s not going to cut it.
Answer #8
What’s the model of the PSU?
Answer #9
It’s a thermal take, withe case
Answer #10
Must be a PurePower 460W. It’s a pretty old PSU but would do fine for a 6850. It requires a single 6-pin anyway while the 6790 requires dual 6-pin connectors. The PSU only has one connector. While you could connect a dual molex to PCI-E adapter you don’t want to trust the crossloading capabilities of that PSU. Go with the 6850.
Answer #11
The case is a thermaltake V3 black edition, if that’s the power supply you mentioned then i’m definitely not messing with any Cross-connections. The 6850 costs a mere 20 $ extra anyways.
But assuming i do change the Mobo in years to come and decide to OC the 2500k, i would be changing the PSU too right, or would a 460 watt cut it?
Actually the reason i’m going for the 2500k is because i dont wanna pay that much for a PC then have to change 3 major parts of it in 2 or so years, if i go for the 2500k then all i would need to change later on would be the Mobo+ the difference in price between the 2400 and the 2500k is almost ridiculous to not go with the core that can be OCed to almost 6 ghz
Answer #12
almost 6 ghzMore like 4.7. Golden ones can go to 5.2-3GHz under very good conditions.
The case is a thermaltake V3 black edition, if that's the power supply you mentioned then i'm definitely not messing with any Cross-connections. The 6850 costs a mere 20 $ extra anyways. Well since you’ll be buying a motherboard later anyway why buy a PSU now it wont do you any good but if you have the money then by all means go ahead.
XFX HD 6850 with MIR that comes to $129.99. Lasts till 30th September.
Answer #13
well one thing is bothering me, would a gtx 460 be any better than a 6850?
cause they both cost exactly similar by the buck where i live
Answer #14
A GTX 460 takes a lot more power than a HD 6850 so a new PSU would be kind of mandatory with a GTX 460.
Answer #15
Don’t save money on the PSU. Make sure u have a quality brand one with enough amperes on the 12V rail to ensure stability. Wattage means nothing. U can have a 650W psu wich can’t handle ur system so take my advice and don’t buy a cheapo. I don’t think the 430W will be enough even if it is a quality brand one. Look for 550W minimum.
As for the GPU i urge u to not buy the 6790. Get a 6870 instead.
If u search the net a bit im sure u will find a 6870 for the price of a 6850.
I bought a MSI HD 6870 OC edition for only 140 euro while most 6850’s cost around 150 euro. I also looked up the price for the 6790 and it comes around 120 euro. The performance that the 6870 gives compared to the 6790 is worth the extra 20 bucks believe me.
Answer #16
actually i live in egypt, and the option to buy online isnt exactly possible since i’m not even old enough to have a credit card and my father would rather kill than put his CC no. online. right here the cheapest 6870 is a wooping 40$ more than a 6850, which is already 20$ more than the 6790 i originally intended. so that makes a 60$ increase which i cant really come up with unless i sell my ass . i guess the 6850 is pretty much more than enough for my native resolution anyway for at least 2 years to come, and since everyone is speaking wonders about it’s power consumption i wouldnt even need a new power supply than the thermaltake 460
thanks everyone, i think i’m all set now


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