A decent rapidshare downloader for mac

August 5th, 2013

Hey guys,
I’m looking for a decent rapidshare downloader. I’m using Mac OSX Lion, and at the moment I’m using free rapidshare (at Uni – don’t have the cash). Does anyone know of a program which can just queue up links and auto download them for a free rapidshare account?
I’ve tried JDownloader, but that doesn’t seem to work.

Answer #1
JDownloader needs to work on MAC. Go to the official website and download the MAC version:
Answer #2
I’m using JDownloader on a mac. It works fine, however the rapidshare links seem not to work at all. ALWAYS gives me the “temporarily unavailable” error… Anybody know why that might be?
Answer #3
Update jdownloader
Answer #4
macova replied: I'm using JDownloader on a mac. It works fine, however the rapidshare links seem not to work at all. ALWAYS gives me the "temporarily unavailable" error... Anybody know why that might be?
Make sure that JDownloader is updated, if it is you can try a clean reinstall.
Answer #5
i checked. it was up to date. did a reinstall anyway. same old problem
Answer #6
Which uninstaller did you use?
Also, is your Java updated too?
Answer #7
I use jdownloader on my mac, make shire your java is up to date!!!


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