Dragon Age Origins

August 5th, 2016

can anybody tell me in relation to the above link, are both iso’s required to install the game? Or is one simply just an added bonus? I see a lot of different versions of the packing of dragon age origins and im not sure what this one is :s. Help would be appreciated thanx.

Answer #1
both iso’s are needed. usually when there’s 2 iso’s what i do is i create a folder for the game.. so for example create a folder called “DAO”. extract iso 1 to DAO, then once it’s done.. extract the 2nd iso to the same folder.. if it says something like “this file is already here, would you like to replace it” hit yes till the 2nd iso gets extracted. once the extracts are done, just find the setup file in there and run it like you normally would.
should work, always did for me.
Answer #2
Dude i didnt need your help on how to install a game with multiple isos. I just asked for help because this game has various versions.
Answer #3
the original ISO (dvd1) is over 8GB’s. The bonus DVD2 is not needed for the install. I dont know if your dvd1 is the full 8GB’s or not.
EDIT: i looked at your topic links. you dont need both dvd’s. the game is NOT 13 or 14 GB’s. Just download dvd1. DVD2 is another 6GB if I remember and must be the bonus dvd (not needed for install)
very confusing the wording of his links. No history on that topic, you the only poster. I can not believe you need both of these. The full game is one iso image of 8GB;s
dragonagedisc2.iso http://d01.megashares.com/?d01=4cdcc3d dragonagedisc1.iso http://d01.megashares.com/?d01=788ec63
if looking for MU 1GB links without confusion try here: My FULL iso is 7.7Gb to be exact. Your link disk1 iso is 7.84GB
Answer #4
Multi8 means Multi language mone then 1 language like french/english/german so on so on
but if you talking about disc1 and disc2 it means the game need more then 1 dvd or one is play and the other one is to install
Answer #5
Dude i didnt need your help on how to install a game with multiple isos. I just asked for help because this game has various versions.
wow why you so mean he was just trying to help


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