HELP….please….need help desperado plz wid uploading pics

August 5th, 2016

what it is, im jsut creating a psot in the appz of sttn ive just uploaded, an well, the images arnt working, ive clicked review post, and the images is just [img](thelink)[/img]
no pictures =/
can any1 explain why please, the site im using to upload is:
is it just that site or sttn, if so whats a good picture uploader thats not banned, (like photobucket or whatever xD)
thx guys ^_^

Answer #1
Try this instead:

http://~ Disallowed image host ~

Answer #2
thx mate ^_^
thx very much hahaha
Answer #3
you can also try this site m8:
Answer #4
Naah tinypic is the best for me
Answer #5
photobucket is banned innit?? frm this syt ?? xD


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