movie question: Directors Cut?

January 22nd, 2020

hello, can anyone explain what is the meaning with movie title that has ‘Directors Cut’?
like a ‘kingdom of heaven’ movie..
have a 2 disc…can i get 1 disc only?

Answer #1
The final cut could be shorter..
Answer #2
Director’s cut is something more exclusive than UNRATED version..
Answer #3
It’s how the director originaly wanted to cut his film, but was being told otherwise by the studio, and had to make it liek they wanted.
Answer #4
can you explain a little difference in normal movie with Extended cuts? he he
Answer #5
Well, for example in Aliens, you have some scenes showing what happened at the colony before the distress call was sent out. It was a long scene, but kind of unneccesary. I preferred the movie without that scene. Then there are some scenes that are just a bit longer than in the regular version, like you see more cloesups of guns, some more blood flying etc
Answer #6
kingdom of heaven DC is way better then TC (theatrical cut)
it’s about 30 min longer if I remember correctly
theatrical (as seen in cinema, usually shorter, more trillseeking) final (as sold on dvd)
directors (as the director wanted it, deleted some scenes, added some, re-arrange them)
extended (with all the deleted scenes added, or with the extra scenes seperate on a second dvd)


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