COD WAW MP online profile creation

January 26th, 2020

I want to play COD WAW MP but i cant… I used tons of cracks and stuff to create profile… When i start my game its writes: – offline, but when i press go online it just keeps asking me to create online profile… From day to day…
I tried deleting folders and editing active.txt or something but that didn’t help

Answer #1
use a different crack?
Answer #2
I tried couple of version? DO u know maybe any working one? But i cant believe that from 5 cracks none works…
Actually it is about crack i used prev. veriosn (1.2) and i can connect using console
BUt i cant connect with version 1.3 and i need it…
Can somebody post 1.3 crack?
Both mp and sp MP first
Answer #3
Yea i know but i need answers
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Answer #4
you just have to have crack for cod waw v now(1.4) and paste it and u just can play without profile on xf


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