DSL speed problem

January 26th, 2020

i’m just curious to my speed i’ve got a maximum of 143kpbs when downloading while i’ve got 100mpbs and on my friends computer shop they’ve got 500~700kpbs when downloading while we’ve got the same speed of 100mpbs is it caused by party line or just the dsl is the problem??plzzz help
Answer #1
It all depends what connections package you have…some connections are faster than others…It also depends on where you downloading from…
Answer #2
you are connecting to your modem via a 100Mbps ethernet cable, which windows sees as being a 100mbps peek connection, you modem is connected to the ISPs DSLAM (the thing that seperates your DSL and your phone) at DSL speeds (upto ~20Mbps for ADSL2+)
Answer #3
That 100 Mbps is the speed of the LAN and not your internet connection. You probably must be having a 1 or 1.5 MB line ’cause the speed is nearly 150 Kbps .


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