Freaky error message

August 5th, 2016

Does anyone know what is causing this error:
Its not the file system because I still have 3G free on my drives (at least)

Answer #1
usually, the minium % free space is determined by you during OS configuration. default is about 15% or so…maybe 5%, i don’t remember. but see if that warning msg is running in the background and your able to get rid of it if your ok w/ only having 3gb of free space. (cntrl+alt+del) >> process tab >> see if you can find it there.
try a disk cleanup to remove any compresed old files, ect.
Answer #2
or it is a virus
Answer #3
^^^ I doubt its a virus since he only has 3GB left. Its just the low disk space warning. To turn this off in XP:
Run the Registry Editor (REGEDIT.EXE).
Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Policies\ Explorer.
If it’s not there, create a DWORD value and call it NoLowDiskSpaceChecks.
Double-click on NoLowDiskSpaceChecks, and enter the value 1, and press OK.
For Vista just go to
You will lose data, possibly everything, on the hard drive if you run out of space on it. I would recommend backing up your data and getting a bigger hard drive soon, or make more room on the drive by uninstalling stuff you do not need anymore.


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