Java Problem

August 7th, 2016

Hi guys, i’m doing a program using java as part of my final exam and i’m stuck on a small thing i guess. My program is an F1 Database. To add teams and drivers it creates tabs etc… The problem is that when i close a tab, the tab is removed, but the component attached to it is like hidden. Then when i submit a user, it submits the same data for all the other hidden components. it uses swing and the GUI component being “hidden is is a JPanel.
If anyone knows why tell me. I’m willing to email the code if someone thinks he can fix it. I check the API and everything and it seems i’m using the right command.

Answer #1
anyone ?
Answer #2
I don’t understand exactly, I’ll take a look at the code though. Instead of emailing it can you just upload it(zipped project) to a file hosting site and present the link?
Answer #3
i’ll pm you the link though. will be in your pm inbox in 4 minutes


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