can sumbody help me on this algebra problem

February 5th, 2020

i have seem to forgotten everything about that i did it like in algebra but two years ago so my memory is alittle shaky can somebody help me its says to find the vertex and intercepts thanks with any help i get

Answer #1
Moved this to helpdesk
Answer #2
Answer #3
(y+3)^2 = -(x-3)
Compare this with the equation of a parabola which is y^2 = 4ax.
You will get the solution sir.
Hope it is of some help.
Answer #4
I would say start by combining like terms, but this is a little more advanced then what i learned in pre-algebra last semester (moving up to basic next semester.). I know how you feel with forgetting math. It SUCKS. Actually, this sounds like Geo or Trig, both of which i failed lol.
Answer #5
x = -y� -6y – 6
=> -y� – 6y – 6 = 0
D = 36 – 4*-1*-6 = 36 – 24 = 12
y1, y2 = (6 +/- (12)^1/2) ______________


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