[SOLVED]meaning of this quote am i correct?

January 29th, 2020

O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

whats meaning of this quote? is it like if shes saying if her father rejects romeo she will leave her family for romeo? correct?

Answer #1
Basically in Romeo & Juliet from what I remember… The Romeo family and the Capulet family HATED each other. So what she means is pretty much if my family gives me crap for going out with you/being in love with you.. I won’t obey my family anymore, pretty much.
Answer #2
deny thy father is something like “deny YOUR father” so its romeos father., (could also be father/god). . . but i think in shorts its deny your family name and i will deny mine. denying the family name means to apose the will of the parents to not see each other.
Answer #3
Solved & locked by OP’s request.


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