Need help about database

February 5th, 2020

I have one SQL database 1.2 GB how can I upload and restore this database pls
Answer #1
Log into MySQL, and import it.
Answer #2
The above, Or use bigdump (a database importing script)
If you actually own the server, Make sure max_allowed_packet (under mysqld) is set accordingly on the configuration file, Otherwise, You probably won’t be able to import it.
Answer #3
Yes Roberto You are right i cant upload more much 8 MB
Answer #4
Not sure what you mean by that. You mean you can’t upload the DB file itself
or that you can’t via phpmyadmin? You shouldn’t use that at all. Upload the DB & Bigdump
via FTP (edit bigdump accordingly first) and then access bigdump and start the importing process.
Do you own the server (VPS/Dedi) or is it shared hosting? It’d help if you’ll be more specific.
Answer #5
I use Xampp brother, I was try in phpmyadmin but i cant, wich way i can upload in phpmyadmin
Answer #6
Xampp? Are you hosting your website locally on your computer then?
If you can’t import your database using phpmyadmin because of the filesize, then use “Bigdump” as Roberto suggested.
Answer #7
thanks brothers I will see any tutorial how to import database with Bigdump.
Answer #8
I have error :@:@:@
Error at the line 3001: INSERT INTO `admin_logs` VALUES (2392,9504,1256514749,’Edited Member \’Floo\’ account’,’′,’members’,’members’,’members’,’member_edit’);
Error at the line 15009: SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
Query: SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client
MySQL: Variable ‘character_set_client’ can’t be set to the value of ‘NULL’


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