Best place to host images for a Big thread [Bandwidth etc]

July 31st, 2013

Well, since I stopped taking care of my Dreamcast collection uploads and I believe most of my files have been taken down anyway, in conjunction with the recent scare regarding file sharing services… I feel like I should take a stand.
As such I’ve decided I’ll take my time and start my own PC Games mega thread.
All’s fine and well in paper, however, I came to the realization that I’m probably gonna fill up the thread with covers and screenshots so as to help the downloader (and leechers) … Problem is, where abouts should I host them? Imageshack is incredibly cumbersome and slow; Photobucket has a knack for deleting pics/running out of bandwidth; Filesmelt isn’t really intended towards such a massive number of pictures.
So yeah, which host should I use for the images? If possible, someone who already has a big thread can help.
Thanks in advance.

Answer #1
bugga12 replied: I'm probably gonna fill up the thread with covers and screenshots so as to help the downloader
I can tell you right now, that that is the reason I don’t download anything from WBB.
So many pictures and screen shots, and junk that I don’t give a flying F about.
Provide a download link to the movie, and a sample. Nothing else is needed, what so ever!
PS: Most people here use lulz tho.
Answer #2
I appreciate your help, however, I wasn’t talking about movies at all.
When it comes to games I like viewing the threads neatly, a simple synopsis and one or two ingame screenshots should suffice, I’m not going to make those install guides through images, I’ll type them out if I need to.
All in all, thank you for the suggestion.. I’ve seen several threads with images linked to lulzimg. Might be a viable way to go.
Answer #3
If u wanna put images so professionally then do as toothless. He has Photobucket premium=unlimited bandwidth,unlimited storage,fast loading.
Answer #4
Thin one also good
Answer #5
These two been working great for me:
Answer #6
Photobucket or dropbox (not 100% sure on the bandwidth on dropbox though)
Answer #7
Thanks for the help guys, I’ll probably end up using lulzimg though, seems like the speed of the images and reliability is pretty nice.
Answer #8
bugga12 replied: Thanks for the help guys, I'll probably end up using lulzimg though, seems like the speed of the images and reliability is pretty nice.
Lulz has gone really flaky recently, even after the fiasco with the kiddie porn.


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