Adobe CC Products

August 5th, 2016

Has anyone successfully run adobe CC 2014 products cracked without them becoming uncracked eventually?
Answer #1
Yes, but updates dont work.
That is why we see new updates as full releases all the time. It is not as easy as withcracked CS6
Answer #2
Yes, but updates dont work.
That is why we see new updates as full releases all the time. It is not as easy as withcracked CS6

Did you try Update Tool v8 by PainteR
Answer #3
No, it was a while since I tried. maybe it’s fixed by now.
Answer #4
Doesn’t Adobe CC (at least Photoshop) use their servers for some of the processing to improve speed? If that’s the case, then I doubt any publicly released crack would work more than a few days, since they would update on the server side.
Answer #5
You can download all updates using direct Adobe links here.
After updating just use the Update Tool v8 by PainteR as suggested by sHaRe and all is good again.
And @ – no they don’t use cloud servers to improve speeds etc.
Answer #6
And @ - no they don't use cloud servers to improve speeds etc.
Odd…thought that was their main selling point. What exactly does their cloud do then? 0.o
Not that I see myself switching from CS5 anytime soon.
Answer #7
The cloud is just a marketing ploy. It means you cannot buy the product normally like before, but only a subscription for a certain time, pay monthly etc. I think they just called it cloud because it’s a trendy word right now.
Answer #8
And Adobe announced that the next version will only be available as ‘cloud’ – subscription only.
Even more money for bloatware!
Answer #9
Seems like they’re missing a major opening in the market here…the main obstacle to intensive photo/video editing remains hardware, and I’m sure many people would be prepared to pay a subscription fee to have the bulk of it done on a server rather than having to buy new hardware. And that’s not even taking into account phone and tablet users.


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