AOMEI Partition Assistant Pro Edition 5.6 Windows2Go error

August 2nd, 2016

AOMEI Partition Assistant Pro Edition 5.6 Windows2Go Windows to go creator extracts the windows 8.1 pro iso, formats the 75GB usb HD, then errors out(setup failed). the drive has some various folders but errors early on, about 3%. The AOMEI blog is ripe with this problems but no conclusive fix or cause.
This is a project, since running an operating system is not really ideal via a USB, so not a do or die. I would simply like to win this without the “overtime”.
Any ideas? If you don’t know, by all means, do please keep moving.
Edit: AOMEI Partition Assistant Pro Edition 5.6 is installed on 8.1 Pro (Self Installed) and 7 Home (Factory Installed) OS’es.

Answer #1
The problem should be with the fact that Windows 8.1 uses an .esd instead of a .wim if I recall correctly. I’m searching if there is a way of enabling logging features on the process, in order to know what is the error.
Answer #2
The further journey to date:
1 and 2 below are on a factory installed windows 7 home.
1. It will install to a Toshiba HD via USB 2.0 with only an install.wim (in an earlier version of 8.1. The latter ones I checked are install.swm, which the program will not recognize. I suppose I could extract, rename, repack but since I have no clue if that would help, that goes in the too hard to do box. for now.
2. Will extract and format a pny 32GB thumb drive but just hangs at writing the files/install part, about 3%.
I have not tried the successful one yet. Nothing doing so far on the self installed win 8.1 Pro.
edit: I just searched an 8.1 AIO 48…. October and found no esd files, at all, only the swm install (1 and 2). The program would in fact recognize an esd if I could find one. not in the source folder or any of the iso for that matter.
edit2: Here’s funny, as I walk back the PNY Thumb drive review, it does, is, installing to that thumb drive. Reported ETA 29 hours 49 minutes. Clearly the External Hard Drive via 2.0 usb is advantageous. Still the factory windows 7 home.
edit3: Without further procedural/methodology input regarding the precise use (not on their blog) AOMEI Partition Assistant Pro Edition 5.6 Windows2Go, this only reinforces my position not to give the developers squat without knowing their product functions, supported and is well documented. Their blog has inquiries that trail off into the ether, leaving no knowledge base to turn to. It works, kinda sorta, if you are willing to lean full into it. Not recognizing the install.swm is a major problem for it’s functionality. It’s inability to install from a self installed windows 8.1 pro is another, what were they thinking.


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