Nail’D and using TomiSlav cause static on my speakers.

December 18th, 2013

Why is this happening? It only happens in these 2 games. When I use SRS HD Audio Lab, most of the static goes away, but without it, im hearing SO MUCH!
Answer #1
It could be absolutely anything.
Do you get the same problems if you use headphones ?
Check all your wiring connections.
Keep the speakers as far away from other electrical items as possible, eg. pc, TV, fans, radio, microwave.
Answer #2
gilly replied: It could be absolutely anything.
Do you get the same problems if you use headphones ?
Check all your wiring connections.
Keep the speakers as far away from other electrical items as possible, eg. pc, TV, fans, radio, microwave.

I dont hear any static when I use headphones. I should also mention that static occurs ONLY with 2 games. Nail’d, and also TF2. The werid thing about TF2 is that when I use the TomiSlav, I hear static. I use any other weapon, no static.
Answer #3
try to move the wires a lil bit and clear em out (i dont mean wipe them i mean seperate them from other cables/devices)
Answer #4
h4xor555 replied:
I dont hear any static when I use headphones. I should also mention that static occurs ONLY with 2 games. Nail'd, and also TF2. The werid thing about TF2 is that when I use the TomiSlav, I hear static. I use any other weapon, no static.

It could be a in-game problem?
Answer #5
h4xor555 replied:
I dont hear any static when I use headphones. I should also mention that static occurs ONLY with 2 games. Nail'd, and also TF2. The werid thing about TF2 is that when I use the TomiSlav, I hear static. I use any other weapon, no static.

I’m not a gamer, so no ideas about why those particular games should cause problems. Maybe you should edit topic title /description to get it noticed by people who do game ?
Answer #6
gilly replied: h4xor555 replied:
I dont hear any static when I use headphones. I should also mention that static occurs ONLY with 2 games. Nail'd, and also TF2. The werid thing about TF2 is that when I use the TomiSlav, I hear static. I use any other weapon, no static.

I'm not a gamer, so no ideas about why those particular games should cause problems. Maybe you should edit topic title /description to get it noticed by people who do game ?

Done. I’m believeing to think this is an in game issue now.


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