What is on my desktop?

May 17th, 2014

Hey guys,
Look at my desktop
i dont’ know what it is… i tried googling it but i dont’ know how to describe it. Could it be a virus or my graphics card?

Answer #1
Those are called artifacts, either your graphics card is overheating or it’s just broken.
Answer #2
Looks like either the graphics card is about to cook itself or going bye bye or the graphics driver is corrupted. Check and see if there is a fan on the graphics card and make sure it’s working. Also try opening the side of the computer and let in a bit more air as well as checking for dust clogged heat sinks.
Answer #3
its ur video card…
Answer #4
laptop ?
that change when what’s displayed changes ?
any problem with the boot screen or only show up in windows ?
it there if you boot to safe mode ?
looks to regular to be artifacts or overheating
might be a cable or connection problem


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