Variable Download Speeds

February 10th, 2020

Hey guys, wondering if you could help solve my problem…
I’m living in college residences, so my internet use is somewhat under control by the powers that be. anyway, i can download from sites like or at decent speeds, 60kbps, but when it comes to , i get speeds of less that 1kbps with ~ Spam ~ and the others. i have a premium account so thats not the problem. I also cant use torrents because the ports are blocked. any ideas on how to solve these problems or alternative ways to download ?
any help would be appreciated, its been a month since i last saw prison break and im having withdrawal symptoms!

Answer #1
Well I have satellite internet and my ISP is behind another ISP’s proxy because the use the bigger ISP’s network (optusnet) which means I can’t use torrents nor can i use P2P appz, and because its satellite internet and it doesn have a router, I can’t port forward. So I think my internet is like your connect at college because of the same reasons kinda. As for your rs download speed, i am not sure. I download at 60kbs also but when i download from rs it only get 23kbs-35kbs so we have similar issues…
Answer #2
i have similar issues, just that sometimes the download goes 0.0kbps and cancels itself (happens most of the time for me) and i’m sick of it.. i can’t download anything :'( but it happens even in my school so i think the problem is not the ISP but my laptop… =/
Answer #3
Torrents and P2P ports being blocked isn’t altogether unexpected it was bound to happen eventually. Rapidshare to my knowledge is USUALLY a very legit business so I would think it’s grounds to complain to your ISP about inadequate speeds. Have you tried downloading software off other HTTP servers? are you experiencing issues with them as well?
Answer #4
Thanks for the responses guys, i just tried downloading with firefox, (i was using chrome before) and it claims its getting 25kbps but i can see that it is not. it seems it keeps disconnecting from the server and reconnecting, so it will download at 25kbps for 30 seconds, then download nothing for 2 minutes before it carries on downloading, very frustrating! I think its a similar problem to
and netload and megaupload have the same issues…
EDIT: I just paused and resumed the download and it shot up to 100kbps!! not much I know but its a big change. hopefully ill be able to download a download manager now to sort this out!


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