January 23rd, 2020

The past few days I’ve been trying to get my realtek wireless card built in my laptop to work with ubuntu and I finally found a solution I’ve followed Snow Pickle’s little guide here and it actually worked
but I have a couple problems..
After I install it when I shut the computer off and start it up again, the wireless no longer works so right now everytime I want to use wireless I have to follow the same steps and reboot AND also requires a ethernet cable connected to my laptop to work.
does anyone know how to fix this!?!?

Answer #1
i have had my fair share of hate towards ubuntu…look for a driver on realteks website as linux is coming some what popular and companies are making drivers for linux. try this. http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=7&PFid=7&Level=2&Conn=1
Answer #2
Try using NDIS Wrapper for your wireless card, it should work.
* use your wireless card drivers instead of the ones on there.
Hope this helps.
Answer #3
Try using NDIS Wrapper for your wireless card, it should work.
* use your wireless card drivers instead of the ones on there.
Hope this helps.

Problem is I CAN’T find a good guide on how to use ndiswrapper for my particular card!!
seriously ~ censored ~ ubuntu man..I really wanna just go with windows 7


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