The best program to play videos?

January 22nd, 2020

I connected my laptop with my tv, so I am able to see a lot of movies on tv. Which is the best media player? I use media player classic and nvidia pure video.
Answer #1
Bs Player!
Answer #2
media player classic
bs player
Answer #3
VLC media player or Zoom Media Player, if u have the appropriate codecs installed u can try Neuview Media Player
Answer #4
btw, does nvidia pure video work with ati graphic cards???
Answer #5
Same here, I’m using VLC atm, but used bsplayer a lot
reason is that vlc is really cool to stream movies on the network
Answer #6
I’d say VLC media player
Answer #7
vlc all the way
Answer #8
btw, does nvidia pure video work with ati graphic cards???
The simple answer is…………..NO it does not. You would need the latest ATI driver to do a similar thing, just like Pure Video is now included with the latest nVidia drivers.
Answer #9
Answer #10
VLC Player
Answer #11
VlC media player is quite enough for me but I occasionally use the media player classic now and then
Answer #12
VlC – Plays anything I throw at it!


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