System recovery HP laptop

May 7th, 2014

i have a hp laptop and after installing ashampoo software i am getting error
can anyone know how to solve this.
i have recovery disk and i tried system recovery but there are three option
1) system recovery : restore your computer to its original factory condition
2)Minimized image recovery: restore operating system,drivers and select software only(clean image)
3)Factory reset: reset the computer by erasing the entire hard drive and restoring to original factory condition
there are many important files and videos in my hard drive and i do not want to loose them so what is the best option .
i tried first 2 options there’s a message says
“this will install clean windows envinorment but all user created files and program after the purchase will be lost”
i got scared and did not go through the process
please help me i am desperate

Answer #1
Wat do u wana do in ashampoo software
Answer #2
i want to burn music to dvd and why is this relevant to the question i asked ?
Answer #3
U mean make a playable DVD for any DVD player. If not plz explain more.
Reason I asked cuz there maybe other programs that can do the same thing.
Answer #4
yes for dvd player
Answer #5
What kind of files are they. What format are they
Answer #6
Dude are you for real ? why do you need to know the format of the files ?
if you do not know the answer just back off
Answer #7
Dude I am tryin to help u.
What I ment by the format is like avi/mp4/mkv/wmv/mp3/wma ect ect
Answer #8
i do not need help about ahampoo software or burning dvds
i want to know what option is best to save my hard disk data
Answer #9
Wats goin on lol. 1st u say u need help and now u change the subject.
U won’t get any help like that
I am tryin helpin u buddy
Answer #10
i am sorry i didn’t mention that after i installed ashampoo my computer crashed and can not able start and shows error message
problem is not with ashampoo but with windows can not able to start
Answer #11
look in apps section for “windows 7 recovery disc”
burn it as an image and boot from it
use “system restore” to roll back you system to before you installed ashampoo
Answer #12
Had to do this the other day after screwing up my boot while working with some Linux software[WiFi Slax Wireless Hacking Live CD] on 7:

a) Insert the Windows 7 System Repair DVD or Installation DVD and reboot.
b) Select the correct keyboard input method and click ‘Next’.
Note: If you are using the Windows7 Install DVD then at the 'Install Now' prompt (Do not pick the Install Now option) instead choose the 'Repair your computer' option located in the lower left of the dispay.
c) The System Repair tool will search for a valid operating system and will report that “Windows found problems with your computer’s startup options. Do you want to apply repairs and restart your computer?”
d) Click ‘Repair and restart’ and reboot again to the Windows 7 System Repair environment.
e) Click ‘Next’ at the keyboard selection prompt and when the ‘System Recovery Options’ screen appears verify that the “Use recovery tools that can help fix problems starting Windows” is selected.
f) Now from the menu list select the ‘Command Prompt’ option.
g) At the DOS prompt type the following three commands:
bootrec.exe /fixmbr
bootrec.exe /fixboot (may return an 'Eliment not found' message)
bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd
h) Close the command prompt window and click the ‘Startup Repair’ option.
i) The repair process may take some time, so wait until the process completes at which point you will see two messages “Windows cannot repair this computer automatically” and “Startup Repair cannot repair this computer automatically”.
. Ignore the Send/Don’t send options.
J) Close this message window by clicking on the X in the upper right corner of the Send/Don’t send window. Next click on the ‘View advanced options for system recovery and support’ option and from the main menu once again click ‘Startup Repair’. This time the repair process may only that a few seconds and when prompted “Startup Repair could not detect a problem”, click ‘Finish’ and run the ‘Startup Repair’ option one more time, click ‘Finish’, and then remove the System Repair DVD and click ‘Restart’. Reboot the computer

Answer #13
I do not have installation dics just have recovery dvds. When I insert them and reboot it just gave me recovery options no repair options . Any way I can save my data ?
Answer #14
I do not have installation dics just have recovery dvds.
the 7 recovery disk is different than those, it’s the repair part of a full 7 disk
and a small download
can you boot to safe mode and uninstall ashampoo ?


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