Surfing the internet Anonymously ?

February 7th, 2020

especially forums, in particular vbullitin ones
Answer #1
Moving To Helpdesk ~ ~
Answer #2

scottishred wrote: Select all

i would like to know if a certain forum can track me, even tho i acess through web proxies, its a vbullitin forum if that helps
Answer #3
look for it
Answer #4

Raditz wrote: Select all

look for it
will download, ive tried many a program like this before. However, i believe thay only spoof your IP.
I think there is more to it tho, Forum administrators can tell who is who, not only from IP’s but some other information… not sure what tho
Answer #5
MAC addresses? maybe thats it, cookies too..
Answer #6
This is the only one you’ll need to know, as this has a list of the best sites.
No such thing as 100% anonymous.
Even if you go to the site listed, your actually IP will be stored somewhere. Once your ISP assigns you an IP, it is logged by date and time. This is very true for Dial-up where your IP changes each time you reconnect to the Internet.
Even a Router cannot hide your IP completely.
Also try: Ultrasurf, INVISIBLE BROWSING, and HideIP Platinum.
Answer #7
that could help you i think
Answer #8
hey thanks for the quick reply guys.
what i cant understand is, if it was possible to cover yourself with such programs. how could a forum administrator know when a banned member creates a second account, through a proxy, to ban him/her again without warning. There has to be something more to it..