Anonymous surfing and downloading

August 2nd, 2013

Today I woke up and found my internet seeming to be disabled. I called tech support and found that it had been disabled due to downloading a game. They even told me exactly what it was. I downloaded the game via torrent which is the first time since I really only ever used rapidshare, etc. I got a warning and it was turned back on. My question is what would everyone recommend as a way to prevent this from happening again? Other than not downloading things illegally or using torrents which I won’t be ever again.
Answer #1
You got caught because you download a torrent, and it was from a public tracker right? Just stay away from those. If you want to prevent your ISP from knowing what you download get a good VPN.
HTTP is way more safe to download.
Answer #2
What’s been said above me. And here’s some options to consider. Or simply don’t seed, defeats the purpose of torrenting.
Answer #3
Thanks so much for the info guys. Big help
Answer #4
Your ISP would only have disconnected you if they had received a complaint from one of the copyright Nazi’s.
You are now on your ISP’s radar – if I were you I would change ISP.
If you are going to use torrents, then use OpenVPN.
Answer #5
This is true, you probably noticed being throttled by now. If you are in fact running a LAN connection. I know when i got caught and fined, they throttled my connection. Luckly I’ve moved since then and getting down speeds of 25mbps.
Answer #6
The meerkat has said exactly what i was going to say. Be careful. Use VPNs, Ideally change ISP.
Answer #7
Thanks again. Switching ISP is not really an option unfortunately. I’ve been googling VPN but haven’t really decided yet. Which is the best and easiest to use or which do you guys use personally? Like I said I won’t be using torrents again as rapidshare and the like are better.
Answer #8
You should read this article:


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