Memory Underclocked
August 5th, 2016
Yeah its normal. DDR google the definition. DDR 2 800 will run at 400Mhz, that is effective clockspeed. 800 is theortical speed.
So the only way to come close to the theoretical speed would be to overclock it?
So the only way to come close to the theoretical speed would be to overclock it?
Yeah but it will be kind of pointless.
The only way to OC memory is overclocking the CPU. That way other controllers might go nuts because its a clock gen manipulation.
There’s never a need to overclock unless you are having issues in gaming, etc… Plus then you need to worry about over heating, power, etc… it’s perfectly normal running at that speed.
Ok, I seem to understand this now. I was worried at first when I saw the number was half of what I thought it would be. Thanks for the info guys!
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