Kat’s Dumb Questions About Uploading/Posting

February 9th, 2020

No matter which forum I am at, I always wind up with questions about how to do things or what I can/can’t do/post. Same goes with WBB. Now my questions might seem dumb to some but they are not dumb to me because the only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
Dumb Question #1: Are full DVD copies permitted for uploading? As in the full 7.5~GB of VOB’s and IFO’s and the like?
Dumb Question #2: Would comic book files come under eBooks or should I make a features request for a comic books section?
Thanks in advance to any and all who reply and please let me know if there’s anything I can do in return!

Answer #1
These questions seem (I say seem because I’m not going to assume) better suited for the Helpdesk section.
The answer for #1 is yes. There is a large topic in the Movies section that has only full DVDs as an example. Of course full DVDs are not limited to Movies.
Comic books go under eBooks. You may request for a comic books section, but it’s likely been requested before and turned down.
Answer #2
^^^^^^^^^^^^^Everything correct as he knows way more than me.
Answer #3
is right on all counts, as always.
Answer #4
Aww, no “thank you” button? Well, I’ll type it!
Thanks ! Very Happy
And thanks too for everyone who backed him up!


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