Internet Problem With Wireless Sender.

January 26th, 2020

Hey All, hope someone has the time to help me with my issue
Well, today I purchased a wireless sender for when I get my laptop at christmas, everything is set-up ok and the sender is working as it says in the book, and my original router is fine, and is connected to the internet fine.
But every now and again, my internet will go down, causing me to get frustrated lol
Anyone have any ideas what could be wrong here?

Answer #1
I’m not sure about your specifications, but this might help you!!!
EDIT: try also this…
Answer #2
Well, currently i’m not connecting as wireless, the problem lies with the main internet connection at the main pc
Answer #3
Try checking the Router or ADSL setting again… if you are using ADSL can help you…
Answer #4
I notice this problem through MSN though as it constantly signs me out. Perhaps there is an error with the msn network? Idk, i’m stumped on this one.
Answer #5
Well i’m having this problem sometimes that my Messenger signs out… but when i reconnects it works… there might be a possibility of something like this when someone attacks you & you are not safe with Protection… look here my kaspersky blocked that attacker..
Be sure to have the Internet Security Installed & be updated with them… also never turn off the internet protection… there might be a possibility that someone might mess up with your files & registry… that might coz you the internet problems…
Answer #6
But every now and again, my internet will go down, causing me to get frustrated lol
I donno sure how u connect to the internet at ur Place, but if ur on ADSL with a single Line for telephone and internet
Make sure ur using a splitter and have the modem line in the right socket.
Happened with me too, modt of those originate from China and attack if ur running sql using port 1434, if ur not running mssql then the port isnt being used
Answer #7
I’m on DSL, a seperate line for phone and internet.
Answer #8
Well try connecting from another OS or Live CD of the Ubuntu….
You’ll come to know what the problem actually about… Hardware or Software!!!

Answer #9
Yeah I’ll find it eventually, it’s just bugging lol
Answer #10
Are there any other wireless networks in your neighbourhood? It could be that it sometimes tries to connect to them. Sometimes “househuld stuff” can interrupt your signal (e.g. microwaves).
Small tip: dont forget to configure your router to WEP security and disable SSID broadcast and change the default SSID (Dont forget to write it down or else you won’t be able to connect )


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