how to advertise free ?

January 29th, 2020

hi, i run a small business, a bit technical in nature, mainly providing service. how can i advertise it for free ?
Answer #1
print off flyers… talk to people with the same needs as your company provides.
another way is to go on to forums… and post things relating to ur business, just like this… or replying to someones needs… outlining what u do etc and provide some help.
i’ve talked to people, posted on forums… and it does work.
but if ur looking for free advertising…. think again.
you gota spend money to make money.
its a quote that will serve everyone and anyone well.
Answer #2
how much should i spend? i heard 5% of expected sales revenue is good.
also my business is service orientated. how do i insure i dont work with underpay but then also not turning off clients with high costs ?
Answer #3
Answer #4
An example, say your a electrician, there are internet sites that will put you on there list in the area you are in for free and if anyone search’s for one they will see your business.
Not sure what your business is but you might be able to do something like this.
Answer #5
Craigslist is a good start.
Answer #6
Removed spam ~ ashmo ~
Answer #7
I have a website Spam removed -
. You can advertise there for free


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