Best places to advertise my sites/services?

August 4th, 2016

Hello all. I am a graphic design student who does freelance work every now again. I have my own website and wish to get it out there so any designs/templates i make i can sell. I’m just not getting enough hits/people to my blog and deviant-art etc. I don’t mind spending a little bit of money (nothing much) to advertise. I’ve tried adding my site to google, submitting diggs and stuff nothing really works. I was wondering if anyone was aware of any sites that especially advertise design sites or what techniques etc are the best for getting mass people to my blog/pages. Thank-you.
Answer #1
it might seem silly but if you could have your site in your www then it would help cos you are looking at the best forum available
Answer #2
I suggest you advertise via companies like adbrite,adsense,doubleclick.
That way many sites will display a banner for your site/service.
Answer #3
it might seem silly but if you could have your site in your www then it would help cos you are looking at the best forum available
I’m trying to go legit. So isn’t i really something i want associated with a business. And since everyone who comes here wants stuff for free (me included) they aren’t really going to be willing to pay for services etc. And I’m looking at directing professionals/companies. But thanks for the input.
And about adbrite and stuff, i never thought about them. I’ll look into it thanks.
Answer #4
nice tips , thanks
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