Advertise on Google

February 9th, 2020

Hi Guys, I want to know how we can advertise on Google, What is the procedure and how to pay them in my country, India.?
What are the needs to advertise and other things you know please explain here
Just explain in simple words for me if you have prior experience. I just want to know hoe their ads system works for advertisers and what are the pre conditions to become one.

Answer #1
Answer #2
Thanks for reply however I know that page and after reading it I created this topic to know more about topic from anyone who is experienced
Answer #3
I have managed many adword accounts in the past. There is not much to say except you better know your search terms and their bids very well, or you will be spending a lot of money and not getting the right traffic. Even once optimized, you will still spend quite a bit.
at least a $500/mo budget
That is the bare minimum. The most successful campaign I ran was doing about $100-$150 a day in advertising. That’s at least $3,000 a month.
Answer #4
Time spent > recovery almost always.
Having said that, if you use the ads to promote your own product and you don’t mind setting at least a $500/mo budget, directed traffic is quite nice.


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