External HD icon

January 25th, 2020

Please take a look at this picture. The icon the arrow is pointing at is my external HD. It works fine but I am just wondering, why do I see this icon and not one like the C drive?

Answer #1
did you already format it?
Answer #2
Yes I did. The file system used to be fat32 and it was showing this icon. I couldn’t extract more than 4GB so I formatted it to NTFS. Before the formatting I saved my files on an other HD. After the formatting it was showing the right icon and when I put my files back, the icon again changed in this.
I don’t think the file system is the problem. I think it has something to do with my old files I put back after the formatting but I can’t find a solution.
Answer #3
well that shouldnt matter as long as it is the right format
you can even chance that if i am not msitaken.
Answer #4
You mean I can change the icon or what?
Answer #5
I just got a 1tb external mybook studio harddrive and I format it(took about 4 hours) The icon does not look like yours. Maybe it’s the computer. Plug the harddrive on another computer to see if you have the same problem.
Answer #6
I already did that. Used 2 other computers, doesn’t change.
Answer #7
can you still store stuff on it like a regular external?
Answer #8
Ok so it has to be the harddrive.
Answer #9
The hard drive is working well, I think the problem are the old files. Once I put them back, the icon changed but I don’t understand why that could cause any change in the icon.
Answer #10
Check if the HDD contains a file named “autorun.inf”. It should be hidden. If so then try removing it. Back it up first though so as to be sure not to make mistakes. Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #11
I ll try that, I ll let you know if it works.
Edit: ok thanks mate it works, the icon is normal again. I just had to delete that file, unplug and plug my hdd back to make the change. Thanks alot
Answer #12
You just need to delete it. After deleting the autorun click on Tools–>Folder Options–>View–>Reset All Folders. See if it changes the icon. If it doesn’t then download this tweak:
Good luck mate ^_^


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