DVDRip to DVD Conversion (but maintaining file size)

August 4th, 2016

Hi all,
I’m trying to convert a DVD’s worth of DVDRips (around 20 files) onto a single DVD in a format that can be read by a standard DVD player.
The DVDRip data consists of a series of ~350MB AVI files.
Can this be done without blowing up the files? Say using Nero?

Answer #1
No it’s impossible
You could buy a dvd player that support divx files, they’re very cheap nowadays
Answer #2
you want to burn 20 files � 350 mb onto one dvd
and the dvd should be read by any standard player?
i would say it won’t work since a standard dvd-rom can only contain 120mins of video
so even if you did put those 20 files into dvd format and even if it would be around 4,3 gb … you won’t be able to watch anything except pixel-party … but still .. you can try with winavi or something .. just think it won’t work …
Answer #3
Yep ,you will need to go through the long winded process of converting to DVD … ConvertXtodvd or WinAvi could be used…but as said, don’t go for more than about 2 hours worth on one DVD.
Answer #4
Thanks guys. Very useful.
Is it then safe to say that the general guideline is to stay within the 2 hours per DVD, regardless of what size the DVDRip files are?
Answer #5
I have converted 11 episodes (each 350 MB) with convertXtoDVD and it plays perfectly. The new versions of the program are a bit complicated but I did it eventually
Answer #6
how was the picture quality???? couldn’t be nearly any decent ?!
usually i would stick to the 2 hours …


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