Maintaining my Laptop

August 5th, 2016

Just a pretty simple question here; I’d like to try and make sure my laptop remains working for as long as possible. I’ve had it for almost two years now and haven’t had a single problem with it, so now I’m a bit worried it’s going to break on me.
Is there any sort of application I can use, firstly, to test the performance of my CPU etc. Make sure it’s up to scratch?
Also, a program to check the temperatures etc. Make sure that it’s not overheating.
Finally- I could do with cleaning it out, as I did this last year (found a tonne of dust) and the temperature dropped signficantly. The only problem is I had to dismantle the entire laptop which took a LONG time. I’ve heard it can be done by blasting compressed air into the vents- does this work as well?
Thanks a lot for the help

Answer #1
Just a pretty simple question here; I'd like to try and make sure my laptop remains working for as long as possible. I've had it for almost two years now and haven't had a single problem with it, so now I'm a bit worried it's going to break on me.
Is there any sort of application I can use, firstly, to test the performance of my CPU etc. Make sure it's up to scratch?
Also, a program to check the temperatures etc. Make sure that it's not overheating.
Finally- I could do with cleaning it out, as I did this last year (found a tonne of dust) and the temperature dropped signficantly. The only problem is I had to dismantle the entire laptop which took a LONG time. I've heard it can be done by blasting compressed air into the vents- does this work as well?
Thanks a lot for the help

Use CCleaner to clean crap
To stress your laptop use this..
PC Stress Test: Push Your PC To Its Limits,1304-order,1-c,downloads/files.html
For temperature you have a lots of apps, you can search on google but I would recommend you a Speccy
And last question, yap that works also!
Answer #2
Here is my basic software I use for maintaining my laptop
– Tuneup Utilities
– Registry Mechanic
– Diskeeper <——– silent defrag around the clock ;]
Make sure you get some new thermo paste as well ;]
Answer #3
Here is my basic software I use for maintaining my laptop
- Tuneup Utilities
- Registry Mechanic
- Diskeeper <-------- silent defrag around the clock ;]
Make sure you get some new thermo paste as well ;]

I find all those extra Utility tools dont do much good. Just CCleaner is good enough to clean the stuff out sometimes and to defrag the HDD. Other than that its a good idea to format once every 1 to 2 years or so. It’ll give a fresh start and clean out any unknown stuff as well
Answer #4
Thanks for the replies guys!
I’ve checked out CCleaner and it seems really easy and quick to use! I’ll keep checking my system with it!
As for thermal paste, how would I go about fixing that? Or would I be better to pay someone else to do it?
EDIT: I’ve been checking my CPU temp, idles at around about 50 degrees centigrade, is that alright? It’s been on for a couple of hours so its had chance to heat up abit!
Answer #5
You wouldn’t really need to worry about thermal paste. But the temperature does seem a bit high, try cleaning the dust out


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