DRAM Frequency is incorrect according to CPU-Z?

August 25th, 2013

Hi all,
I just made a quick overclock on my old pc .
I OC’ed an AMD 5000+ from 2600Mhz to 3000Mhz.
I did it by increasing the FSB to 231 cause it isn’t a Black Edition so multiplier locked.
I’m using 2 x 1 gb DDR2 800 and lowered the RAM speed from 400mhz to 333mhz in the BIOS to ensure stability while stresstesting.
It passed prime95 but when I look in to CPU-Z. The DRAM frequency is 266mhz instead of 333. I went back in to the BIOS and selected 400mhz…But still 266mhz in CPU-Z.
I thought that by increasing the FSB I would also increase my RAM frequency? How is it possible that it only runs 266mhz? I expected 400+mhz.
Thanks in advantage

Answer #1
I believe you need to raise the CPU multiplier to raise your RAM frequency, not the FBS.
Answer #2
BosmouZ replied: I believe you need to raise the CPU multiplier to raise your RAM frequency, not the FBS.
I can’t raise the multiplier because it isn’t the black edition with multi unlocked…
But that would do the trick cause i’m positive that the Ram freq will increase with the fsb and not the multiplier..
Increasing the Front Side Bus will increase performance of CPU,RAM, Hypertransport and northbridge all together.
In other words by increasing your fsb U overclock the entire system instead of only the CPU.
Anyways thank you for your reply x)


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