Create a RAID, sorta!

January 27th, 2020

well creating a raid is very easy and i have no problems with that, now i have a 320GB HDD with all my data and i have a secondary 40GB HDD, now what i want to do is to create a RAID of the 320GB drive to my 40GB. But not everything as that would be imposable, I want to do it only for the folders i say for example like documents, pictures.
I want to just create a backup of my documents and pictures etc but like a RAID so that if i delete or add something it is dose the same on my backup drive.
Is there a program that can do that?

Answer #1
Well you can only create raid 1. And your total capacity is 40 Gb since your 320 Gb is created into a raid partition.
As its raid you can’t really mess with it with any program.
Answer #2
but with a raid 1 it’s going to duplicate random 40GB and not the data i want. I’m just looking of a program that will have the same effects as a raid but with folders i chose, i have tried a few sync programs in the past but they never worked out
Answer #3
I dont think you can do that mate
Answer #4
that sucks, i guess i will have to do it manually
Answer #5
Im sure there are synchronising progs which let you chose the folders to be kept in sync
Answer #6
synchronising is your only option here, can’t be done with RAID.
Answer #7
yep, get GoodSync Pro and setup the folders you want synchronized, then, set it so it adds/deletes to the destination folder automatically.
Answer #8
that’s what i was looking for, i have used some sync programs to do this with my music but it did not work to well. but i will try goodsync


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