Burning DVD’s with the best quality….

August 4th, 2016

I am using ConvertXToDVD version and it does a good job, but as soon as it’s done converting I get a pop up that says I have to choose what speed I want it to burn at within 30 seconds or it will automatically choose the fastest speed for me… Well, I prefer to start the converting/burning process before I’m about to go to bed or before I have something else to do, so that by the time I get back or wake up, my DVD will be ready. Now isn’t it best to burn at the absolute slowest possible setting (which is 6x for me when I look at the pull down menu ConvertXToDVD has pop up after the converting process is done)? Now in the settings under the title “Burning” I have 2x selected to the right of where it shows my DVD-RW drive, but it’s not burning at that slow of a speed automatically (or at all because that speed option isn’t available after the converting is done, the lowest is 6x).
Should I change the 2x under the “Burning” settings to 6x and then it will automatically burn at that slow of a speed once done converting? I don’t get why it burns at the fastest possible speed if I’m not there to change it within that 30 second window.
Is there a better program out there that does the converting and burning for you and does so at the slowest possible speeds so you can be sure to get the best possible quality? When I download movies I always download the BEST version available (which tend to be between 1.5gb and 2.5gb per movie).
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks a lot!

Answer #1
all that “pop up” is to tell you that you need a blank DVD inserted before you burn to disk. I think you have 30
seconds before it will automatically continue through the process.
Before you click on “convert”. Go into your default settings and change the burning speed. For this to stick,
you need to ‘save your project”. Then click convert and you are on your way
Answer #2
Ah, I guess the slowest speed I can burn at is 6x. I had my burning speed selected in my settings at 2x but apparently ConvertXToDVD won’t burn that slow (or maybe it’s my DVD-RW drive that won’t burn that slow) because I just tested it by burning a really small file with my settings for burn speed at 2x and that pop up came up and had 24x speed selected and in the pull down the lowest it had available was 6x. So I cancelled that process and went into my settings and set my burn speed at 6x and this time when the pop up came it had 6x pre-selected rather than 24x. I guess I didn’t realize 6x was the slowest burn speed available to me.
Answer #3
Burning speeds won’t make any difference to quality. But it will make a safer burn with less or no errors. I use 6 speed -RW’s and i’ve never had problems burning. Also a tip, if you’re only able to watch movies or tv shows from a dvd, it’s not worth downloading anything above 720p as dvd quality is max 576p. So as long as that’s good quality, that’s all you’d need in my opinion, anything above that is just wasting bandwidth and time downloading it.
Answer #4
The firmware in DVD drives can tell it what range of speeds it should read or write at, and that is also dependent on the media you use.
If you are not happy with convertX for burning, you can still use it for converting and then burn to DVD folders to disk with ImageBrn or Nero etc.
But if you are happy with it now, then all should be well
Answer #5
Or use freemake converter as it’s similar to convertX
Answer #6
As others have already stated, There’s no correlation between the output’s video quality to the burning speed.
The burning speed can only affect the disc’s stability/longevity (Provided it’s even a good one to begin with!)
Generally speaking, Burning one to two speeds slower than the disc’s rated speed is considered optimal (I.E 12X or 8X for a 16X disc) Set all that aside, If you wanna maintain the original video quality (Plus save time converting) then you should seriously consider getting an HD Media Player and use it along with an External HDD (Preferably a 2.5″ one for better portability) this will be a much better way to go about it really.


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