300-400 MB movies?

January 24th, 2020

how do they do it without losing quality?
Answer #1
Usually people code there movies(700mb) with xvid or sumthin like that but unlike 300mb ones they use x264 which is a better coding which leads to around the same quality
Answer #2
If you’re saying that they are encoding without any loss of quality then they must have alien technology or something because that’s not possible. Also if you believe you can’t see the difference between a regular DVDrip and an undersized 300Mb movie than you wont probably notice difference between an Bluray/HDDVD rip and a regular DVD rip either.
Honestly I can’t bare to watch those 300mb sized rips =P
For the record they use MeGUI (a frontend for x264). Search afterdawn.com, doom9.org, videohelp.com for guides. There are plenty. And also I’m sure there are a couple here as well in the tutorialz section
Answer #3
The quality is quite good, they do it by using codecs like x264 (TheDA explained it all).
Answer #4
There is a tut on how to use MeGUI on WBB but I dont recall the link. Try a search.
Answer #5
they use a program like megui to do it and this prog uses x264 as codec
the trick here is to know how to manage the bitrate to keep the quality awesome…
Answer #6
i dont like the quality of the 300-400mb movies i have tested i stick with my 700-1400mb ones i can burn 6 to a dvd and play them in my standalone divx player right on my tv
Take care
Answer #7
There Is a loss Of Quality in all Rips (& More in 30MB rips Specially In Sound ) They Use MeGUI or MenC with x264 Codec to Encode it U an also do it it is simple as hell
Answer #8
Use X264 codecs to do it. MKVToolNix or StaxRip will help you with Samples etc. Have fun
Answer #9
nice topic.. thanks dude..
Answer #10

TheDA wrote: Select all

If you’re saying that they are encoding without any loss of quality then they must have alien technology or something because that’s not possible. Also if you believe you can’t see the difference between a regular DVDrip and an undersized 300Mb movie than you wont probably notice difference between an Bluray/HDDVD rip and a regular DVD rip either.
Honestly I can’t bare to watch those 300mb sized rips =P [ edit of TheDA’s original text size=1]
I agree, 300MB Rips suck big time. The quality is terrible with fringes and artifacts galore and they will not enlarge without showing all those artifacts very clearly. If you have any plan to send your videos to a HD TV then forget 300MB Rips as they just won’t enlarge well. Pictures of the screens look all nice and fine, but when the Movie is playing they certainly don’t in most cases.
They just push x264 far too far and it’s not capable of encoding to that type of size in a decent quality. Is all driven by RS and Free Downloaders. If you want quality then stay away from them.
I would not encode to those sizes and quality and I don’t recommend that you do either. It’s better to provide sufficient bitrate and file size so that the quality does not suffer.
Some people do not seem capable of discerning quality from crap.
Answer #11
I agree with you Mighty! 300mb movies suck. I’ve seen a one that actually looks good on my 37″ and it was a 400mb movie. I think people should use x264 to encode for a smaller size then divx. The problem is that a 700mb avi at the same quality is like a 500mb .mkv and nobody is going to redownload all there movies to save just 200 mb. Also encoders are using HDrips and with RS only allowing 2.6 gb a day it’s hard to do so. I believe that x264 is awesome, especially for encoding stuff for my zune but as far as everything else is concerned. I’m personally reencoding all of my South park, futurama, and family guy episodes to save space. But i’m using 175 mb avi and encoding them to 75 mb mkv with very little loss, anything under that looks like crap on my 37″ especially that crap 40mb encodes that look like crap on my laptop.
Answer #12
So I get my video file, and I convert it to x264 with meGUI?
Answer #13
A lot of people use dvd shrink and crop all the garbage out which drops gig down to mb.
Answer #14
videos can be converted to x264 using MeGui, but there are many options in the gui that need to be tweaked in order to get a proper encode of the video file
wrt loss of quality, thers always loss of quality while compressn…………dvd to avi n avi to mkv
well some 300mb movies have terrible quality becoz of a not so good source
however, lately people have started encoding movies from hddvds and brs to dvdrip resolution which have pretty good quality and many times even better than the 700mb avis
Answer #15
can u link me to a good tutorial wih mkvtoolnix and nero aac codec download link
i can’t find a good tutorial…
Answer #16
So I get my video file, and I convert it to x264 with meGUI?
said a million times, yes