Best way to advertise online?

January 25th, 2020

Hey guys,
I own a website hosting company and I wondering if anyone knew a way of advertising easily for free? So I can get my name out there!
Any suggestions are welcome, by the way, the company is a UK company, so some american trading websites may not accept it.

Answer #1
Advertising for free, if only. Let me give you a quick brief:- Advertising is used to generate potential customers by highlighting your service or product, this attracts the customer if it interests them, customers equal money.
So if you want to advertise, be prepared to pay, I have never heard of free advertising before, unless you print flyers and hand them out or email massive amounts of people without buying the addresses, your gonna have to shell out to advertise, simply because it generates money and the people doing the work will want a cut.
Answer #2
i feel ya man.
Answer #3
I found ways of advertising for free and it increased my site traffic to 20people/day from nothing


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