November 27th, 2013
For example – I have 20 dollars in my Alertpay account. I live in India so there is no facility for withdrawal of money directly from my bank account. The only option available is wire transfer but i will receive it in dollars and im not sure my bank accepts dollars and on top of that alertpay are charging $15 … Read more...
November 27th, 2013
Trying to install toon town for my son, but it won’t install. It says you need 150mb worth of space to install. I have 2 drives c: which says system reserve and has like 50mbs left and d: which has 190 gigs left. I think game is trying to install on system reserve and I have no clue how to … Read more...
November 27th, 2013
Assuming I have excellent upstream bandwidth do you think having 5 ECU’s (CPU Units), 2 Cores, and having 1.7GB of memory will be sufficient enough to handle high load traffic? I’m really worried/optimistic that my site will do good and I want to be able to be able to tackle that problem if it happens. It’s also running on wordpress. … Read more...
November 27th, 2013
just rebooted my labtop, can any one help me with this, dont understand the problem, i am running esset smart security, warez bb does not work using ff but no problem with chrome. When i mean blocked i mean i cant log in. I tried turning off all the esset services but still cant log in. I tried disabling ff … Read more...
November 27th, 2013
hey everyone
i have been thinkin to buy a new phone
this is the one i like the looks of and is in my budget
the thing is tht the site says the operating version is android 2.0
my question is,is this upgradable to 2.2 or maybe 2.3???
wat ya say guys?
Answer #1
The Milestone has an active …
November 27th, 2013
So I have a web hosting account sitting around which isn’t doing much. I just had an idea: I want to make something like DropBox, but host it on my server. This way I can upload without any account cap (I have more than 20GB free). Is there a way I can somehow make a folder (like the drop … Read more...
November 27th, 2013
I have iphone 3gs 4.3.3 and my wifi doesn’t work so far 3 m from router doesn’t have full range of wifi . i restore it i upradge my iphone but still is ? can u tell me how to fix it or anything else ?
Answer #1
tell me someone ?
Answer #2
restart the router ….…
November 27th, 2013
so my friend gave me a mac g4 he said the image doesnt show up on the monitor so he gave me some graphic cards i tired to install them but they all game me problems likes no image or computer powers up but then it turns off no image during process
Answer #1
Make sure that the gfx cards …
November 27th, 2013
i need to update my BlackBerry Curve 8900 in OS 5.0 and i don’t know how to do it can you tell me how to do it ?
Thank u for your time .
Answer #1
November 26th, 2013
I completely finished the video but the video was over 1gb when I rendered so I decided to leave that for tomorrow.
I’m deffo 99.9% sure I saved I remember doing so, I wouldn’t edit something for atleast 30mins without saving. I come to check it today to re-render and it’s gone, like all gone back to where I was … Read more...