asking how to create rapidshare

August 5th, 2016

hi guys i am new to .org………..
i also new to rapidshare the only thing i known from others is all are creating free rapidshare account and uploading files and buying premium account…………..
$$$$$$$$$please explain the complete procedure to create an free account in ~ Dead file host ~ and how to upload and ofcourse how to login
please give me stepbystep procedur#########
dont ignore this i wiah that all will help about rapidshare to me

Answer #1
You should be able to find all your answers here, I’d imagine :
http://~ Dead file host ~/faq.html
…and just check all the tabs at the top on the rapidshare homepage, friend.
http://www.~ Dead file host ~/
Answer #2
In addition, I’m not sure it’s the right time to creat a RS account.
Answer #3
Rapidshare is a file hosting server that allows users to upload and share your own private files
In a board Rapidshare has become the NO-1 file hosted main stream and people do upload Files such as , music / games / p0rn / movies / TV-shows on a free collectors acc and then give out the download link to others by posting a topic regarding there upload !
The account allows you to collect points, you have to upload your files in the collector’s-zone and you will get one point per download if the downloader is a free-user AND your file is bigger than 5 MB AND a total of 255 Limit per day if a premium user download that link ,
This way You collect RapidPoints by other users downloading your files. when you collect 10K Points, You can exchange your RapidPoints for a Premium Account.
Answer #4
i will make the account for u pm what username u want
Answer #5
Go to:
http://~ Dead file host ~/
Upload a file…at the end of the upload you will be given the option to create a collectors account…
Answer #6
Answer #7
just upload a file and it asks for creating collectors account


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