problem with XP SP3 Corporate Edition

August 4th, 2016

hey i think i got a really bad problem…
I wanna ask one thing-> I installed the SP3 and is using it for more than 1 month… But does it contain the “repair windows” feature?? Before installing this Servide-pack 3, i was using SP2 and then it got a problm with a file missing, thus preventing me to login…. When i tried the SP3 bootable disk to try repair it. i did not find the “repair windows” feature! then i format my Hard-Disk and installed SP3, When i tried to see if there was the “repair” feature, it was not there! why???? is it bcoz it is corporate? What if i get some severe problem later. how will i repair?

Answer #1
the repair feature to repair an OS is on the windows disk, not on the operating system installer. You need to boot from disc and press R when you reach the forked road screen (where you an either install XP fresh or repair install)
Answer #2
You probably downloaded a slimmed down copy or one that’s got a custom name for the OS thus making the XP setup think that you don’t have it installed already. Download a corporate or student edition off here. Preferably the ETH0 releases (although I don’t think the group itself exists anymore)
Answer #3
Customized windows will have the repair option not available…You only get the repair option if you use untouched windows XP CD…
Answer #4
run XP installer from ur installation disk and u will come across “Repair Windows” option
Answer #5
actually i downloaded that OS in itself and it was marked as untouched corporate… that came with proof and several users commenting on it…. I tried to search for it but did not find it anymore… too bad!
Answer #6
If as much as the key is integrated and nothing else..Still no repair option…


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