Crysis Safemode..?

August 4th, 2016

So i messed up my crysis resolution its to high for my monitor( caus i hooked it up to my tv) So every time i start it it says signal out of reach of some crap like that. But im sure crysis has a safe mode like far cry 2 and cod4 i googled it but came up with nothing… Any help
Answer #1
Cut and paste this folder somewhere else:
C:\Documents and Settings\your user name\My Documents\My Games\Crysis
Run the game…It will run at the default resolution….
Answer #2
Say what lol
Answer #3
Say what lol
Try it first before you start LOLing…
You profile have the resolution saved…If you remove it and run the game…Then if the game can’t find the will create a new one and run on the default resolution…
Answer #4
Did it didnt work btw its crysis not far cry…


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