Sound drivers help…

January 21st, 2020

I just installed windows XP pro on a new computer.. and i cant get the sound working..
I’ve downloaded the same Audio drivers ive always downloaded (reltek AV97 or somthing)
I go to install the drivers.. and it restarts my PC every time, ive tried it in safemode, and it installs ok.. but when I go to boot in normal mode after that, it bluescreens me and restarts the PC again, ive re-downloaded the drivers twice, however i have tried downloading from a different mirror too and it seems to do the same thing?
Any ideas for other drivers?

Answer #1
Install Everest and find out if you are using onboard (mobo) sound chip or if you have a sound card installed …….. then download drivers form the manufacturers site of your sound chip or card.
If you are using mobo sound then the motherboard manufacturers site should have the drivers.

Answer #2
+1 saturnsid
sounds like you have onboard sound (built into the motherboard)
ID the mobo and go to it’s web site under support or downloads
should be sound drivers there
Answer #3
ive tried the above.. and it does the same thing.. just restarts..
Answer #4
what motherboard/computer model do you have ?


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