Remote Desktop Terminal Service

January 26th, 2020

Okay so I have a remote desktop server; my own dedicated server and it’s Windows Server 2003 and I know how to make a user that can access it… but how do I completely go in and edit what they can like change, add, remove, see, and use for hard drive space…
I want them to be able to log in and browse the internet, download things, RAR, and upload things.. that is it… no install programs or delete important files only things like the files they download and etc.
Also I want to limit them to like 50 GB of HDD space on the server per user.
Thanks, also if you can link me to some very useful information I would be very appreciative! Maybe even a free account if it helps that much

Answer #1
tmumods, The only way that I have my dedi server being access with limitation is by creating a new users and restrict them on what they can do. Try playing around with creating new users and limiting the power.
Answer #2
Thanks I have figured out how to block access to folder and files… but what about from installing things and running malware/viruses…? or deleting things… although they can only delete things on their on part lol
also how do you limit their drive space? and bandwidth if possible?
Answer #3
You need to do it by GROUP POLICY, you can set the limits with lots of detail from there.
Answer #4
See I have seen that a lot but when I go to the group policy there are NO policies what so ever =(
Answer #5
Are you also using a domain controller? Do the users logon to a domain, or just to the local server? According to that, group policy will be different.
When I set up a few terminal servers, I also created a “template” of a user by tweaking it to behave like I wanted, then I saved this user profile to the “Default User” profile, and then, whoever logs on to the server will get those same default settings applied.
Answer #6
I actually just loaded Windows Server 2008 to my Dedicated Server and no they just use the IP and input that into the Remote Desktop on all Windows OS and login through that with a username and password..
Now 2008 is pretty simple, but I don’t think them being just a user is still the right way to do this… or is it?


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