
August 5th, 2016

Hey i have to make my account admin so that i can dl stuff and my father has the admin and he wont allow me so helP!!!!!
Answer #1
OK mate, it’s possible. Click on Start. Right click on My Computer and select Manage. There under “System Tools” go to “Local Users and Groups”–>Users. Find your user, double click on the name, go to the “Member of” tab and add yourself to the administrator’s group. Good luck mate and enjoy the freedom on the PC
Answer #2
You can download stuff without admin…
Edit : and @ , Cant only Admins change that?
Answer #3
Answer #4
I guess you have a very limited account then. If you do then it’s impossible to change it to an administrator account. Sorry mate.
Answer #5
, Can you explain why you cant download on a limited account?
Answer #6
It doesn’t start
Answer #7
You may try a couple of things… First of all restart your PC in safe mode. You should see an account named Administrator. Most of the people don’t create any password for this user, check if your father has secured that account.
If he has, you can try to download Hiren’s Boot CD (for example). It has a couple of applications meant to restart Windows user password.
If it still doesn’t work, you may take another procedure, this is the most complicated one.
You will need access to the %Systemdir% folder (C:\Windows\System32). Limited accounts don’t have access to that folder. So, get an Linux distro (LiveCD) that has NTFS native support (I recommend Ubuntu). This way, you may access such folder.
Boot the PC into Linux. Do the following:

  • You will need to mount the Windows XP partition. This is a simple procedure for anyone with a minimum knowledge in Linux environment. If you don’t know how to do it, follow the instructions in this page:
    • http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows
  • Once you have the windows partition mounted, open an command line window. Then type:
    • cd /(windows folder)/Windows/System32 – Go to the System32 folder in Windows XP
    • mkdir hackbackup – Create a backup folder to where you are going to backup the files that are going to be modified
    • cp -f logon.scr /hackbackup
      cp -f cmd.exe /hackbackup
      – Backup the files that are going to be modified

    • rm -r locon.scr – Remove the logon.scr file from System32
    • mv cmd.exe logon.scr – Rename the file cmd.exe to logon.scr
  • What you have done is very simple. You have remove your screensaver and replaced it with an unprotected command line window.
  • Now restart, and go to your windows account. Decrease your screensaver showing time, and wait untill it appears. When it shows up, it should be a command line.
  • On that command line, type:
    • net user – It will be shown all user accounts
    • net user USER * – where USER is an administrator user account. It will be asked a new password for that user.
  • The type a new password for that user, and login to it’s account. You are now an administrator!

Answer #8
ok im a admin but downloads dont start and i can download from limewire but not from any browsers!
Answer #9
It doesn’t start?? Type this in your browser:
Doesn’t it start the download?
Answer #10
How did you set yourself as an administrator? Meaning using what method?
Answer #11
You may try a couple of things... First of all restart your PC in safe mode. You should see an account named Administrator. Most of the people don't create any password for this user, check if your father has secured that account.
If he has, you can try to download Hiren's Boot CD (for example). It has a couple of applications meant to restart Windows user password.
If it still doesn't work, you may take another procedure, this is the most complicated one.
You will need access to the %Systemdir% folder (C:\Windows\System32). Limited accounts don't have access to that folder. So, get an Linux distro (LiveCD) that has NTFS native support (I recommend Ubuntu). This way, you may access such folder.
Boot the PC into Linux. Do the following:

  • You will need to mount the Windows XP partition. This is a simple procedure for anyone with a minimum knowledge in Linux environment. If you don't know how to do it, follow the instructions in this page:
    • http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows
  • Once you have the windows partition mounted, open an command line window. Then type:
    • cd /(windows folder)/Windows/System32 - Go to the System32 folder in Windows XP
    • mkdir hackbackup - Create a backup folder to where you are going to backup the files that are going to be modified
    • cp -f logon.scr /hackbackup
      cp -f cmd.exe /hackbackup
      - Backup the files that are going to be modified

    • rm -r locon.scr - Remove the logon.scr file from System32
    • mv cmd.exe logon.scr - Rename the file cmd.exe to logon.scr
  • What you have done is very simple. You have remove your screensaver and replaced it with an unprotected command line window.
  • Now restart, and go to your windows account. Decrease your screensaver showing time, and wait untill it appears. When it shows up, it should be a command line.
  • On that command line, type:
    • net user - It will be shown all user accounts
    • net user USER * - where USER is an administrator user account. It will be asked a new password for that user.
  • The type a new password for that user, and login to it's account. You are now an administrator!

Wow, cracking post mate you deserve some praise for that <3
Answer #12
Boot in safe mode, create new user with admin privileges, this worked for me once… try it
Answer #13
May be this can help you to find the password of the administrator account…
Download the OphCrack Live CD here..
after that login through the administrator account…. Install the download manager such as Internet Download manager or Flashget & then download the files from the download manager by inserting the download links in those download managers…. before you need to setup it with the username & password if you are going to download from the RS or MU or MS….
here is the nice tutorial for that…

btw if any more problem exists you can PM me….
Answer #14
Lol its done i downkloaded opera thrugh limewire and downloads are workin.. ie 7 and mozilla wont start downloads
Answer #15
Boot in safe mode, create new user with admin privileges, this worked for me once... try it


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